Producing and sharing disinformation as well as using user-generated content in the news production process has ethical and legal aspects. Let’s explore them with Claire Wardle, Founder of First Draft in this online lecture video.
If you are interested in practical tips on the ethical use of sources, you can check her manual A Journalist Guide to Approaching Social Sources. Make sure to read also Claire’s chapter “Presenting UGC in investigative reporting” in EJC´s Verification Handbook for Investigative Reporting. You can also check the chapter “Applying ethical principles to digital age investigation” by Fergus Bell in that manual.
Claire Wardle is the Executive Director of First Draft, a non-profit dedicated to finding solutions to the challenges associated with trust and truth in the digital age. She was previously the Research Director at the Tow Center for Digital Journalism at Columbia Journalism School, Head of Social Media for the UN Refugee Agency and Director of News Services for Storyful. She is one of the world’s leading experts on user-generated content and has led two substantial research projects investigating how it is handled by news organizations. She also sits on the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on the Future of Information and Entertainment.