[kad_youtube url=”https://youtu.be/qKDuyMCVUSs” ]
To make a good and successful campaign, you need to keep in mind the whole process. Jumping directly to media or social media space with strong message (or at least strong message according to you and your colleagues) will not be sufficient.
Everything starts with good research and PROBLEM definition. This will help you to nail down the roots and causes of the problem and consequently will help you to:
After problem definition come the
OBJECTIVE(S) – what is it that you want to achieve?
AUDIENCE – who has the power to make the change happen?
STRATEGY – which steps, actions and tactics are necessary to make the change happen?
ACTION – what is it that your audience can do to make the change happen?
It is tempting to attempt to change the world, but this objective will not really help you in achieving anything. In order not to lose focus and not burn out prematurely, you need to set a realistic objective for your campaign—one that is S.M.A.R.T.? What does it mean?
Attainable {or Achievable]
Great overview of what you need to consider while planning a campaign or communication strategy (including SMART definitions and examples) is offered by the Tactical Technology Collective in this article.
We mentioned STRATEGY already. If your campaign should be placed mostly online, keep in mind that just as there are tactics for nonviolent activism, there are digital tactics for online activism as well. Check this collaboratively collected spreadsheet with tips and examples.