Comic and Meme

Comic and Cartoon

go bac comicComics and cartoons have always been popular formats. They are funny and easy to understand even if not everyone has the drawing skills to make a good looking funny comic.

It doesn’t matter because as you have probably noticed, there are tons of funny comic strips on the Internet where it is obvious that the drawing skills of their creators were pretty limited.


Internet Meme

Urban Dictionary defines meme as: “Popular quotes, images, and real people, which are copied, imitated, and spread all over the internet(s)”.

First of all, memes are images that are funny and get shared. That makes them a great format for content marketing. Do you remember the meteorite over Siberia? This is how the Russian Internet exploded with memes.

angry birds russiaputin meteornorris meteorchelyabinsk

Tools – Strip Generator

This free online editor will make you a comic creator in a second. You can edit frames, characters, items and texts. You can download the comic strips as an image or share instantly.

Tools – Meme Generator

cbikoalaCheck the latest and most popular memes, create your own in simple editor. You can also motivate your fans and followers to be creative on a specific theme.