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Meet Craig Silverman

Craig Silverman has been at the frontlines of debunking disinformation for many years now. At BuzzFeed, he had led investigations to expose some of the most iconic “fake news” stories. In this online presentation, he shares several case studies.

Read Craig’s famous piece for Buzzfeed News about the unexpected origins of “fake news”

Craig Silverman is an award-winning journalist and media editor at Buzzfeed News. He is a founder of Regret the Error, a blog that reports on media errors and corrections, and trends regarding accuracy and verification. The blog moved to The Poynter Institute in December 2011, and he joined as Adjunct Faculty. He also serves as Director for Content for Spundge, a content curation and creation platform used by newsrooms and other organizations. Craig has been a columnist for the Toronto Star, Columbia Journalism Review, The Globe And Mail and He’s the former managing editor of PBS MediaShift, and was part of the team that launched, a Canadian online news start-up. His journalism and books have been recognized by the Mirror Awards, National Press Club, Canadian National Magazine Awards, and the Canadian Online Publishing Awards.