Going on Assignment in Prague July 2025

Purchase a course by clicking “Take this Course”

Date: July 12, 2024 – July 27, 2024
Location: Prague, Czech Republic


Whether your dream is to work as a journalist parachuting into foreign lands, or as an activist, advocating for resolutions to global issues, our foreign reporting course will prepare you for whatever lays ahead. Not only will you learn the tips of the trade directly from working foreign correspondents, you will pursue an actual story on the streets of Prague. Don’t worry – you will receive extensive coaching both before your arrival and as you research and write your assignment. We’ll give you advice on structuring your story, locating quality sources, and incorporating multimedia, including video and photos. We’ll help in setting up interviews and finding interpreters if you need them. And once you’re done, we’ll give you valuable, detailed feedback on all your work. By the conclusion of your 15 days with us, you will end up with a memorable, real-life experience and, just as importantly, a publishable piece of foreign reporting to get you started in an exciting career as a journalist or telling stories on behalf of an NGO. You will also have gained valuable insights into how and why certain foreign affairs stories get published, as well as an understanding of the transition of the media in Central Europe through visits to some of the most prominent media institutions based in Prague. See the course curriculum here. If you have a passion for this line of work and want to acquire some practical skills, join us for this foreign reporting course in July 2025!

The course fee includes the following expenses:

  • Tuition for the course
  • Tuition for the pre-course, online learning component
  • Accommodation in twin rooms (including breakfast, wifi) at **** Marriott Courtyard Prague Flora hotel near the centre of Prague – Lucemburska 46, Prague 3, 13000 – (check in July 12th and check out July 27th)
  • City transportation pass for Prague
  • Select group social event
  • 21% VAT.

The course fee does NOT include the following expenses:

  • Transportation to Prague
  • Lunch and dinner in Prague (other than those indicated in curriculum)
  • Visa fees (if applicable), travel and health insurance, or personal expenses.

If you are interested in future training opportunities with Transitions, follow as at @TransitionsMag on Twitter, sign up to the newsletter or email education@tol.org.

Fee: $ 2,400 or EUR 2,350

Local Cross-Border Journalism Training Package

Hi there. This is our stand-alone journalism training package. Our modules were designed after a series of live events held in the fall of 2022 for hundreds of journalists across Europe. These short, to the point modules provide a great way to learn some of the most in-demand topics. There is no need to enroll in endless courses. We offer modules that can be completed within 60 minutes. They are interactive and fun.

For access to the content, please register first. It is free.

Your name will be used for the downloadable course completion certificate.
When enrolling in the course, you will also be added to our Education mailing list for receiving infrequent updates about the next free courses. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. For information about our privacy practices, please view our Privacy Policy.

01 Crossborder Collaborative Journalism

02 The Role of Evidence in Journalism

03 Opensource intelligence for beginners

04 How to report about disinformation

05 Basics of Data Journalism Part I

06 Basics of Data Journalism Part II

07 Complicating the Narratives: listening and going beneath the problem

08 Complicating the Narratives: embracing complexity and countering confirmation bias

09 How to build trust with new and hard-to-reach audiences

10 Designing Journalistic Content with the Reader in Mind: Part I

11 Designing Journalistic Content with the Reader in Mind: Part II


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Free online course in Solutions Journalism (with certificate)

Your name will be used for the downloadable course completion certificate.
When enrolling in the course, you will also be added to our Education mailing list for receiving infrequent updates about the next free courses. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link in the footer of our emails. For information about our privacy practices, please view our Privacy Policy.

After registering please click the Take this Course button below.

Free online course in Solutions Journalism

In this two-hour course, the Transitions team, aided by resources from the Solutions Journalism Network, will introduce you to the practice of solutions journalism. This course consists of five lessons, several interactive exercises, a short video on how to do SoJo, and links to additional resources. By the end of this course, you will be able to:

1) Define solutions journalism and identify SoJo “imposters”;
2) Explain the key criteria of solutions journalism;
3) Get started on a SoJo story; and
4) Know how to pitch a solutions-oriented story.

After completing the course, you can pass the quiz and obtain a downloadable certificate (the certificate is subject to a 15 USD issuing fee).